13 blogs legal marketers should follow

July 2, 2019

13 blogs legal marketers should follow

I love a good Stephen King book — and not just because I’m into spooky stories and horror movies. The man can write. He knows how to develop characters, build suspense and illuminate intricacies of the human condition.

Like a lot of things in life, great writing comes with practice and learning from others.

King’s advice? “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.”

So, if you want to be a better legal marketer and produce results that get noticed by your supervising attorneys, don’t stop learning. Stay current by following thought leaders and reading blogs that share what’s new and what’s next in legal marketing.

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The hidden costs of cutting your legal marketing budget

June 19, 2019

The Hidden Costs of Cutting your Legal Marketing Budget

Note: This post was first published on the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute blog

It’s the classic chicken-and-egg problem: You don’t have money to invest in marketing, but you need marketing to grow. And while there are plenty of studies clearly demonstrating a direct link between law firms’ marketing investment and financial growth, many firms still choose to cut back on marketing when money gets tight.

This was one of the findings from a recent study by the Thomson Reuters Legal Executive Institute. In the 2018 Dynamic Law Firms Survey, law firms categorized as “static” (no growth or contraction) reduced their marketing spend by 1.7% in 2017. That’s a 5% point difference from “dynamic” (high-growth) firms, which grew their marketing spend by 3.4%.

So why do many law firms still axe the marketing budget first when looking to save money? My guess is that there’s a lack of understanding surrounding the many hidden costs of cutting marketing. Below are seven of these tangible, day-to-day losses and how they impact a law firm long after the financial crunch is over.

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Marketers: It’s time to push back on your bosses’ bad ideas

November 20, 2018

Marketers: It’s time to push back on your bosses’ bad ideas

“Behind every bad idea is an executive who asked for it.”

I can feel all the marketers internally shouting “YAAAASSSSS.” I hear you, friend, I hear you.

The above quote — from a recent MarketingProfs webinar by Michael Brenner (best-selling author of The Content Formula and CEO of Marketing Insider Group) — made me stop in my tracks. I thought of the numerous times I’ve witnessed a C-suite executive ask a marketer to do something that I knew wasn’t the right course of action, yet the marketer did it anyway. Heck, I’ve been the one who did it anyway. I’ve always thought, “That’s just the way it is.”

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4 reasons marketers must shift toward a ‘knowledge extraction’ mindset

May 2, 2018


Marketers… if you had to describe your most important role in one or two words, what would you say? My gut tells me that many would say “promotion,” “brand building” or “thought leadership.” I doubt many would say “knowledge extraction.” And that must change.

Knowledge extraction is basically that — extracting knowledge from your subject-matter experts (SMEs). It’s a specialized skill when done right, and it’s imperative for effective business-to-business and professional services marketing. Here’s why:

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7 ways to overcome content marketing’s biggest challenge: just getting it done

April 24, 2018


We’ve all heard it before:

“I just can’t get my subject-matter experts to give me the information I need.”

“We would do content marketing, but we can never find the time — we’re too busy focused on billable work.”

I get it. Content marketing takes time. It’s the reason I have a viable business, after all.

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Legal marketers: Here’s how to get general counsel’s attention, straight from the horse’s mouth

April 17, 2018

Four marketing strategies are particularly effective, says panel of GCs at Legal Marketing Association conference

Law firm marketers: Want to know what works to get the attention of general counsel (GC)?

Here’s the short answer: high-quality, relevant and timely thought leadership content, in the form of client alerts, helpful articles vendita piscina gonfiabile con scivolo and speeches. In addition, well-written case studies help GCs understand your firm’s experience in solving specific problems (that they may be facing themselves).

Five GCs sat down for a panel discussion at last week’s Legal Marketing Association national conference and laid bare how they choose outside counsel, what gets their attention and how to cut through the clutter in today’s information-saturated environment.

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#INBOUND16: Top Takeaways from HubSpot’s INBOUND 2016 Conference

November 15, 2016

#INBOUND16: Top Takeaways from HubSpot’s INBOUND 2016 Conference

It was a whirlwind of a week for the Reputation Ink team, and no, unlike everyone on your Facebook feed, we’re not talking about the election. (You’re going to get enough of that at Thanksgiving, anyway.)

We’re here to talk about #INBOUND16, folks.
Our team spent last week in Boston for the annual conference hosted by HubSpot, and we picked up A LOT of good stuff along the way, from inspiring content strategy tips to buttery lobster rolls. Here are some of the key takeaways that got us thinking (and tweeting).


Sales Stories 101: Crafting an effective narrative

October 13, 2016

Sales Stories 101: Crafting an effective narrative

When was the last time you told a good story? What about a good sales story? A compelling narrative can be the difference between a pitch that converts prospects into clients and one that falls flat.

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Stop wasting your money with HubSpot

June 21, 2016

4 ways you’re flushing money on your marketing automation software by not being strategic.

Stop wasting your money with HubSpot

Not quite as old as the chicken or egg, but the debate has been going on for years. Is marketing automation software worth the cost, or could you get away with using something cheaper? Well, the answer isn’t as cut and dry as you’d hope. (And it can’t be found in a pretty infographic or price comparison chart.)

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Tales from the flip side: What judging the ADDYs taught me

February 29, 2016

what judging the Addys taught me-2

Oscars weekend I had the pleasure (and honor) of serving as a judge for the Little Rock Advertising Federation’s American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) competition. As someone who has entered creative work into the ADDYs in multiple districts throughout the course of my career, including our first-ever entry here at Rep Ink, it was eye-opening to be on the other side of the table.

And since I can’t say anything specific about the work or the winners (who will be announced later in March), here are a few things I wanted to share about the experience:

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