What B2B marketers must know about SEO: the basics

July 27, 2016

How to deliver content that Google (and your prospects) love

What B2B marketers must know about SEO: the basics

Newsflash: Writing great content is NOT enough in the world of search engine optimization (SEO).

Wait. Pump the brakes!

Have we not been told forever to raise our right hands and proudly swear to produce great content and the rest would follow?

In the good ol’ days, marketers could develop a thoughtful editorial calendar, produce topical blogs and promote an e-book that solved prospects’ pain points and consider it a job well done. Case closed.

But SEO has changed the content marketing landscape. If you want the right people to find your content at the right time, implementing SEO best practices is a must.

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#FamousMelaniaQuotes: How to avoid plagiarism in your marketing

July 19, 2016

#FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes: How to avoid plagiarism in your marketing

Melania Trump’s elephant-sized mistake is trending everywhere, positioning plagiarism as one of the most talked about topics from the Republican National Convention. ICYMI: The wife of presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump gave a speech that contained word-for-word pieces of current first lady Michelle Obama’s 2008 speech

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Stop wasting your money with HubSpot

June 21, 2016

4 ways you’re flushing money on your marketing automation software by not being strategic.

Stop wasting your money with HubSpot

Not quite as old as the chicken or egg, but the debate has been going on for years. Is marketing automation software worth the cost, or could you get away with using something cheaper? Well, the answer isn’t as cut and dry as you’d hope. (And it can’t be found in a pretty infographic or price comparison chart.)

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Behind the Screens: A glimpse inside our content marketing process

June 1, 2016

Behind the Screens

Turning another year older makes you reflect on all you’ve accomplished. Five loooonnnnngggg years ago this week, I launched an agency focused on creating great content, from blog posts to e-books, infographics, case studies, website content, checklists, videos and beyond. In the process, we became experts in content marketing strategy — the what, why, when, where and how of content marketing.

Throughout our five years, content marketing has become THE marketing buzzword. “Content marketers” are now a dime a dozen. But truly great content is rare. And, man, is it hard to create.

That’s why, to celebrate our 5th birthday, we’re pulling back the curtain to give you a glimpse inside Rep Ink’s creative process so you can see what goes into creating content worthy of the spotlight.

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3 ways the Jacksonville Sheriff builds bridges with social media

May 5, 2016

3 Ways the Jacksonville Sheriff Builds Bridges With Social Media

We’ve all done it.

Dinner is simmering on the stove and, hey, I have a few minutes to kill. Let me just give social media a quick scan.

Then, before we know it we’ve watched three Tasty videos, an adorable (but worrisome) clip of dogs playing with a bear and received some life motivation from a pre-kindergartener. BAM.

Dinner burns and we find ourselves scraping burnt pasta from the bottom of our cast-iron pot, and eating Nutella out of the jar. Again.

Good content does that. It grabs ya and pulls ya in and makes ya want more.

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A blog with stick figures has some of the most engaging marketing copy (and here’s why)

March 10, 2016

 Screen Shot 2016-03-09 at 2.46.39 PM (2)

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Content marketing strategy: do SEO keywords matter anymore?

March 2, 2016

Content Marketing Strategy: Do SEO keywords matter anymore?

Remember when keyword stuffing rose to popularity? A rash of websites was built, stuffed with keywords that search engine optimization (SEO) experts had identified as the words searchers used to find their websites. The problem was, they literally “stuffed” the website copy full of keywords, offering no value. Instead, web users were left with vapid, redundant and awkward keyword-laden text.

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Tales from the flip side: What judging the ADDYs taught me

February 29, 2016

what judging the Addys taught me-2

Oscars weekend I had the pleasure (and honor) of serving as a judge for the Little Rock Advertising Federation’s American Advertising Awards (ADDYs) competition. As someone who has entered creative work into the ADDYs in multiple districts throughout the course of my career, including our first-ever entry here at Rep Ink, it was eye-opening to be on the other side of the table.

And since I can’t say anything specific about the work or the winners (who will be announced later in March), here are a few things I wanted to share about the experience:

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The Social Saga: 3 Exciting New Social Media Tools for Content Marketers

February 18, 2016

The Social Saga: 3 Exciting New Social Media Tools for Content Marketers

It’s no secret there are (literally) millions of potential prospects just waiting to be found on social media. The hard part is figuring out how to engage them. Marketers spent years waiting for technology to catch up to the capabilities they envisioned. Soon, it’ll be marketers catching up to all the potential social media has to offer. Not only do social media channels inherently support the inbound strategy — creating and promoting informative, non-salesy content to engage consumers and convert prospects — but now they’re beginning to offer ways to track progress. Thanks to innovative new tools, social media is becoming more than just a convenient way to reach a massive audience, but a prime platform for strategic content marketing.

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8 imminent content marketing trends you can’t ignore in 2016

January 14, 2016

8 imminent content marketing trends you can’t ignore in 2016

2016 is here with lots of ch-ch-ch-ch-changes to offer (R.I.P. David Bowie). Yes, we’ll be getting a new president, but our industry will also be accelerating like your uncle’s new Tesla. Luckily for me, some of the top content marketing blogs have already done the hard work of tracking down industry idols (e.g. Ann Handley; Sonia Simone) to ask their predictions for this coming year. And though they may have not been able to predict the name of Kimye’s baby like this guy,

8 imminent content marketing trends you can’t ignore in 2016

I’m feeling pretty confident that these industry gurus will be pretty spot-on with their forecasts.

Let’s get trendy

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