Thought leadership vs. lead generation: Why legal blogging needs a strategic update

September 22, 2017

Thought leadership vs. lead generation: Why legal blogging needs a strategic update

At the Legal Marketing Association’s Southeastern Conference last week in Charlotte, North Carolina, in a session on content marketing, the presenters gave an overview of Greentarget’s 2017 State of Digital & Content Marketing Survey. Unsurprisingly, the theme of the report: information overload. The survey found that 96% of in-house counsel say that there is content overload, while 81% of law firm marketers plan to produce more.

How to rise above this content deluge? Shift from a thought-leadership mindset to a lead-generation mindset. By doing so, law firms will be forced to become more strategic in how they reach their prospective clients, giving them the content that they want, when they want and how they want it. Because if they don’t, the proof will be in the pudding: zero leads.

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Content marketers: 7 ways to improve your subject-matter-expert interviews

July 12, 2017

Get the information you need to create persuasive, insightful content by conducting better interviews

I’ll let you in on a little-known secret that sets great content marketers apart from the good ones. It’s not the writing. It’s not video production skills. It’s not even research.

Don’t get me wrong — those are important. But the real secret sauce? Conducting great interviews.

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4 AEC industry lessons from HubSpot’s INBOUND conference

November 14, 2016

4 AEC industry lessons from HubSpot’s INBOUND conference

Friday morning I was listening to Alec Baldwin live (yes, he did a few Trump impersonation bits). The day before I watched Randi Zuckerberg interview Anna Kendrick. Why such a star-studded week? I attended HubSpot’s annual INBOUND conference in Boston. It’s the third year I’ve gone, and the second that I’ve brought my team. A few other people were there, too — a staggering 19,000 people from 92 countries hobnobbed with Baldwin, Kendrick et al.

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Behind the Screens: A glimpse inside our content marketing process

June 1, 2016

Behind the Screens

Turning another year older makes you reflect on all you’ve accomplished. Five loooonnnnngggg years ago this week, I launched an agency focused on creating great content, from blog posts to e-books, infographics, case studies, website content, checklists, videos and beyond. In the process, we became experts in content marketing strategy — the what, why, when, where and how of content marketing.

Throughout our five years, content marketing has become THE marketing buzzword. “Content marketers” are now a dime a dozen. But truly great content is rare. And, man, is it hard to create.

That’s why, to celebrate our 5th birthday, we’re pulling back the curtain to give you a glimpse inside Rep Ink’s creative process so you can see what goes into creating content worthy of the spotlight.

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Content marketing strategy: do SEO keywords matter anymore?

March 2, 2016

Content Marketing Strategy: Do SEO keywords matter anymore?

Remember when keyword stuffing rose to popularity? A rash of websites was built, stuffed with keywords that search engine optimization (SEO) experts had identified as the words searchers used to find their websites. The problem was, they literally “stuffed” the website copy full of keywords, offering no value. Instead, web users were left with vapid, redundant and awkward keyword-laden text.

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Inbound Marketing and Inbound Sales: the new peanut butter ‘n’ jelly

October 16, 2015

If you read our blog regularly or follow Rep Ink on social media, you know that our entire team went to HubSpot’s annual INBOUND conference in Boston last month. The conference is the largest event dedicated to the art of inbound marketing (often also called content marketing, although that’s subject to lots of debate). Whatever term you prefer, this is the practice of creating quality content that attracts people to your company rather than the old outbound “interruption” method of cold calling, advertising, buying email lists and praying for leads and sales.

So, why, over and over again, did I keep hearing about sales?

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9 reasons your content marketing isn’t working

July 20, 2015

1More marketers are spending time, money and resources on content marketing than ever before. In fact, 42 percent of businesses now publish new content at least weekly. However, the majority of these efforts continue to fail. Why is this? While the reasons are wide-ranging, I see some mistakes happening over and over again:

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How to market and grow a professional services business

June 8, 2015

7 lessons I learned in my first four years of business (and a few extra tips)

How toLast week, Reputation Ink celebrated its fourth year in business. I founded the agency in June 2011 working out of my home with one large client (who we still work with), and in the last four years, we’ve grown to include over 20 clients (including many large, global corporations), six full-time employees, several freelance writers we have established relationships with, and a group of specialist agency partners we collaborate with for technical and creative support.

We have more growth ahead of us, but I’m incredibly proud of what we’ve accomplished so far. I thought I would mark our anniversary by sharing what I’ve learned about marketing and growing a professional services business over the past four years.

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Why your content is now your brand

May 5, 2015

Tagline - MichelleI’ll admit it. Before I started my own marketing firm, I worked in other advertising and PR firms and often hated what we produced: pithy, uppity ads that sounded super clever and trendy, like a bunch of skinny, uber-hipster millennials wearing tight jeans and thick-rimmed glasses came up with them while drinking their fifth nonfat soy green-tea lattes and smirking ironically. I think this actually happened. A lot.

To me the ads, brochures, taglines, marketing “collateral” and other “stuff” we produced seemed vapid and clever for the sake of being clever — like we were trying to impress ourselves and other marketing people. Plain language, simplicity and directness were dismissed for their lack of creativity and artistic flair.

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Why longer content works in today’s 140-character, soundbite, snackable, tweet-frenzied world

March 24, 2015

Long live long-form contentHow many times have you heard that no one reads anything longer than a 140-character tweet anymore? That our attention spans are shot due to digital information overload, multi-tasking and multi-channeling? That if you create anything longer than 200 words or 30 seconds no one will pay any attention to it? Soundbites! “Snackable” content! Tweets!

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. (Well, except for the attention-span thing.)

While technology has certainly changed the way we think and process information, people still desire substantial information. They just consume it differently. In fact, due to the overwhelming glut of content available on the Internet today, Internet users are becoming more discerning about the content they consume, searching and scanning for content that’s worth their attention and time, and engaging more heavily with valuable, lengthy content. And in the online world — where everyone can be a publisher — the way to distinguish yourself is by producing an outstanding piece of substantial content that stands out from the rest.

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  • About the Author
    Michelle Calcote King

    Michelle Calcote King is an award-winning marketer with nearly 20 years of expertise in all things marketing, content, media and public relations. Specializing in highly complex industries, she leverages superior writing skills, media savvy and a love of all things digital to move her clients' businesses forward.

    Read my full bio or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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