Why your AEC firm’s business development team should be using your content (and 5 ways to do it)

March 2, 2017

Why your AEC firm’s business development team should be using your content (and 5 ways to do it)

So your firm is producing useful, educational, client-centric content. Or maybe you’re just exploring content marketing and wondering if you should incorporate it into your firm’s strategy.

No matter where you are on the spectrum, you must ask a crucial question: What is the business development team doing with our content?

Your marketing team’s blog posts, e-books and white papers can’t live in a vacuum. By using a balance of inbound and outbound tactics, your business development team can leverage your content to win more contracts — and they should.

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Why AEC firms need content marketing [infographic]

February 28, 2017

In the world of architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), getting leads isn’t as simple as an a flashy sign near the checkout register. If you’re in the AEC industry, you know better than anyone that B2B clients take their good ol’ time making a hiring hüpfburg mit rutsche kaufen decision — that’s because it’s a big deal. Because buyers these days take their time searching information and educating themselves before talking to your business development team, content marketing is more crucial than ever.

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Why the most successful AEC firms combine online and offline marketing

February 23, 2017

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: The internet has changed the game for how architecture, engineering and construction firms grow their business.

Inbound marketing, which “pulls” clients in by educating and solving their problems online, has stolen the spotlight from the traditional “push” tactics of outbound marketing (think: trade shows, advertisements, cold calls, direct mail).

So does that mean outbound marketing is dead and gone? I think not.

For AEC firms, the key to success is achieving a balance between inbound and outbound, a strategic blend of online and offline marketing.

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AEC firms: Why 2017 is the year to kick your content marketing into high gear

February 21, 2017

Why 2017 is the year to kick your content into high gear

Alright, we’re more than a month into this brave new world we’re calling 2017. So how are those resolutions coming?

Maybe you’re crushing that 5K training plan (good for you!), or perhaps you decided a world without fried chicken taco shells isn’t a world you want to live in (you do you, friend). Or maybe the whole New Year’s resolution thing is too mainstream for you. That’s cool, too.

Regardless of where you stand, there’s a conversation we need to have that’s bigger than a simple resolution.

See, a resolution is a choice to do something, but when it comes to the AEC industry, content marketing isn’t really a choice anymore — if you want your business to boom, at least.

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Manufacturing marketing: It’s time for a winning blueprint [e-book]

February 9, 2017

Manufacturing marketing: it's time for a winning blueprint

Takeaways from HubSpot’s latest e-book, Constructing a Winning Blueprint in 2017  


New year, new budget. And if you’re like me, that new diet is already long gone. So, how about a new (or at least improved) marketing strategy?

While old habits die hard in industries like hüpfburg kinder kaufen manufacturing, now is a great time to change those ineffective sales and marketing ways with a little help from your friends. 

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Robo-content: What humans face in a world run by machines

January 17, 2017

Robo-content: What humans face in a world run by machines

Reputation Ink’s exclusive interview with Carmen Simon, Ph.D. of Memzy


They help us find love online, arrive at our destinations without asking strangers, self-diagnose medical symptoms and find the next round of Netflix shows to binge-watch. They are algorithms.

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What is influencer marketing? (And why B2B companies should care)

January 6, 2017

Reputation Ink’s exclusive interview with Promise Phelon of TapInfluence

What is influencer marketing? (And why B2B companies should care)

Consumers today are smart.

Yes, regardless of what many YouTube “fail” videos may imply about the intelligence of the human race, people are in fact pretty savvy — and they’re not easily swayed by old-school marketing tactics. In fact, research shows consumers value customer reviews and peer recommendations over traditional advertising more than ever. Why? Because they value authenticity.

But can brands be authentic? Sure. There are plenty of good examples of this, but influencers can provide a human extension of your brand. They can connect your business to customers in a unique way.

Enter: influencer marketing.

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B2B and video: A match made in ROI heaven

December 16, 2016

Reputation Ink’s exclusive interview with Ed Heil of StoryTeller Media + CommunicationsB2B and video: A match made in ROI heaven

Content may be king, but video has taken the crown for queen.

Don’t believe me? Casually scroll through your Facebook feed. Check out a competitor’s website. Sign up to receive INKsights email newsletters from your favorite agency.

In November, the Rep Ink team dug out our gloves and scarves and headed to Boston for HubSpot’s INBOUND conference. There, our team interviewed Ed Heil, Owner of StoryTeller Media + Communications. We wanted to learn from Ed why B2B companies should be using video, and how to do so effectively and strategically.

When it comes to marketing, B2B companies don’t have the luxury of playing to impulse and low-commitment buys like B2Cs can. What do you do if you aren’t selling cookies, but rather production equipment to cookie manufacturers?

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4 AEC industry lessons from HubSpot’s INBOUND conference

November 14, 2016

4 AEC industry lessons from HubSpot’s INBOUND conference

Friday morning I was listening to Alec Baldwin live (yes, he did a few Trump impersonation bits). The day before I watched Randi Zuckerberg interview Anna Kendrick. Why such a star-studded week? I attended HubSpot’s annual INBOUND conference in Boston. It’s the third year I’ve gone, and the second that I’ve brought my team. A few other people were there, too — a staggering 19,000 people from 92 countries hobnobbed with Baldwin, Kendrick et al.

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Rep Ink on Screen: 3 lessons for creating video from scratch

October 7, 2016

Rep Ink on Screen: 3 Lessons for Creating Video From Scratch

Everyone goes into content marketing and PR for the same reason — the fame. The promise of making viral videos that propel your business forward and hinder innocent trips to the grocery store as we are hounded by fans.

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