Say it to my face: How AEC companies should handle their social media haters

Before social media became mainstream, businesses relied on traditional marketing methods like TV and radio advertising to promote their products and services. Even worse, they sent flyers. These methods surely left marketers feeling like they were screaming into the abyss. Then Mark Zuckerberg and his motley crew of tech nerds built a little-known social media platform called Facebook (maybe you’ve heard of it?) and transformed the marketing landscape, allowing businesses to reach their target audience with far less effort.
While social media allows architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) firms to reach a broad audience and increase their brand awareness, it’s also become a breeding ground for the world’s most despicable creature – the internet troll. A species so loud their complaints can be heard from more than 200 countries and sovereign nations around the world. When their ire turns to your business, and they begin to fill your page with negative comments, it can be especially deafening.
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