Attract the right customers with well-written personas

May 29, 2014


Attracting target market with personasPersonas, or customer profiles based on real data, have been around for a while. Although they may seem daunting to compile at first, once you have the information, you have a roadmap to the hearts and minds of your most valuable prospects. Depending on whom you ask, creating customer personas can be a fun exercise or drag on for days, with every answer only leading to more questions. HubSpot recommends this worksheet for painting the perfect customer picture. If you feel overwhelmed by the list of questions you need to answer, try focusing on the essentials:

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What you need to know about LinkedIn Publisher

May 22, 2014

Social media wordsIn February of this year, LinkedIn opened its platform to long-form publishing through a program called LinkedIn Publisher. Building off the success of its LinkedIn Influencer program, where industry experts like Richard Branch and Martha Stewart post long-form content, LinkedIn decided to expand the opportunity to all members. Initially just 25,000 members were offered the ability to publish long-form content, but others can gain access through an application process.

The application process is fairly simple, requiring simply your name, email, LinkedIn profile URL and two links to examples of professional content you’ve written. I was accepted as a writer within a couple of days after submitting my application, although there is no standard reply time. If you’re not accepted right away, don’t worry. LinkedIn says the platform will be open to all members in the future.

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What is native advertising anyway?

May 20, 2014

Native advertising is hot. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr are all monetizing their platforms with “in-feed ads,” and media stalwarts like Time, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today are all offering native advertising solutions. According to eMarketer’s report, “Native Advertising: An Emerging Consensus for a New Kind of Ad,” marketers are projecting to triple their spend on native advertising over the next five years, from $1.6 billion in 2012 to $4.6 billion in 2017. 

But what exactly is native advertising? Despite its skyrocketing growth, Copyblogger’s 2014 State of Native Advertising Report recently found that about 50 percent of respondents were clueless about the term, and another 48 percent only had a shaky understanding of it.


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SEO tips for the human search engine

May 15, 2014


magic eight ball, conversational search

You’ve got to hand it to Google. Those geniuses know more and more readers are searching how they speak. And with the launch of Hummingbird last summer, they’re making sure we all give more attention to context and less to keyword-crammed text.

What better way to keep the context behind the keywords conversational than to allow voice-commanded search? Much like Siri on your iPhone, you can ask questions directly in Google Chrome, simply start by saying “OK Google.” 

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5 tips to increase your news release pick-up

May 13, 2014

5 tips to increase your news release pick-up“Why don’t my news releases get picked up?”

Just about every PR consultant has heard this lament at one time or another – often, from a prospective client who’s been trying to handle his own PR with little success. Yet even veteran communications pros have experienced the frustration of sending out a news release that never makes it past an editor’s inbox.

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Want media coverage? Four reasons to start blogging today

May 6, 2014

JournalistI’ve been doing PR for nearly two decades. DECADES. That’s a long time to be in an industry that’s somewhat young. And boy has it changed since I started out. My first job out of college was in London (long story), working for a tech PR firm during the early days of the dotcom boom. Back then, we would wine and dine journalists. A big part of my job was to invite journalists at major tech magazines to lunch at some of the nicest restaurants in London (nice gig, huh?).

At lunch, I would introduce the journalist and the client (having previously briefed each one on the other) and let them talk, randomly interspersing some commentary or questions meant to ensure the conversation went in the right direction. A bottle (or two) of wine and a really expensive meal later, and we were nearly always guaranteed a story in the publication.

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You invest in your content. Follow these tips to invest in your audience.

May 1, 2014

content marketing, relationship building

With all of the time and energy you’re spending on creating and promoting great content, it’s easy to forget that your online presence isn’t meant to be a soapbox. It’s a two-way connection.

Street cred and social proof aren’t built on self-promotional blog posts and tweets alone. So how can you go beyond your product or service and build real connections with your audience?


Actively research what your prospects and customers are saying in other arenas, not just any comments on your blog. Twitter is a great place to start. Follow your followers, as well as your ideal customers (your competitors’ followers) to see what’s on their minds. How can you help them solve these issues, even when the problems aren’t directly related to your product?

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