6 questions to ask before you hire a professional content writer

January 21, 2019

High-quality content is rocket fuel for today’s marketing strategies. But the difficult task of finding great writers who can create that content often stalls the marketing rocket before it ever takes off.

Great writers help you effectively communicate your message, drive sales leads and save you the time and frustration that comes with a writer who doesn’t understand your business, strategic goals, voice and tone.

Beyond looking at writing samples, how can you assess whether a professional writer has what it takes to produce engaging, clear and effective content? Ask these six questions to see if a potential writer can deliver the goods:

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Legal marketing: How one law firm’s blog has attracted new clients and generated business [video]

June 6, 2018


If you’re reading this, you might be a managing partner questioning if blogging lives up to all the hype. Perhaps you’re an parco gonfiabili attorney who has always wondered if a blog is worth the effort. You might be a law firm marketing manager looking for validation that blogging actually works. Maybe you’re a professional services marketer looking for ideas.

Here’s the thing: No matter who you are, blogging is hard work. It requires a significant time investment. It’s a long game, not an overnight miracle-worker. But it works.

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7 ways to overcome content marketing’s biggest challenge: just getting it done

April 24, 2018


We’ve all heard it before:

“I just can’t get my subject-matter experts to give me the information I need.”

“We would do content marketing, but we can never find the time — we’re too busy focused on billable work.”

I get it. Content marketing takes time. It’s the reason I have a viable business, after all.

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Legal marketers: Here’s how to get general counsel’s attention, straight from the horse’s mouth

April 17, 2018

Four marketing strategies are particularly effective, says panel of GCs at Legal Marketing Association conference

Law firm marketers: Want to know what works to get the attention of general counsel (GC)?

Here’s the short answer: high-quality, relevant and timely thought leadership content, in the form of client alerts, helpful articles vendita piscina gonfiabile con scivolo and speeches. In addition, well-written case studies help GCs understand your firm’s experience in solving specific problems (that they may be facing themselves).

Five GCs sat down for a panel discussion at last week’s Legal Marketing Association national conference and laid bare how they choose outside counsel, what gets their attention and how to cut through the clutter in today’s information-saturated environment.

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7 steps to developing a law firm content marketing strategy

September 27, 2017

While law firms are prolific content generators, very few firms have a documented content marketing strategy. 

According to Greentarget’s 2017 State of Digital & Content Marketing Survey, 96% of in-house counsel say that there is content overload, while 81% of law firm marketers plan to produce more. And a measly 26% of law firm marketers say they have a documented content strategy.

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Thought leadership vs. lead generation: Why legal blogging needs a strategic update

September 22, 2017

Thought leadership vs. lead generation: Why legal blogging needs a strategic update

At the Legal Marketing Association’s Southeastern Conference last week in Charlotte, North Carolina, in a session on content marketing, the presenters gave an overview of Greentarget’s 2017 State of Digital & Content Marketing Survey. Unsurprisingly, the theme of the report: information overload. The survey found that 96% of in-house counsel say that there is content overload, while 81% of law firm marketers plan to produce more.

How to rise above this content deluge? Shift from a thought-leadership mindset to a lead-generation mindset. By doing so, law firms will be forced to become more strategic in how they reach their prospective clients, giving them the content that they want, when they want and how they want it. Because if they don’t, the proof will be in the pudding: zero leads.

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Content marketers: 7 ways to improve your subject-matter-expert interviews

July 12, 2017

Get the information you need to create persuasive, insightful content by conducting better interviews

I’ll let you in on a little-known secret that sets great content marketers apart from the good ones. It’s not the writing. It’s not video production skills. It’s not even research.

Don’t get me wrong — those are important. But the real secret sauce? Conducting great interviews.

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How to get the most bang for your content buck [infographic]

March 16, 2017

When you put blood, sweat and tears (ok, maybe just a lot of strategy, hours and money) into a top-quality piece of thought-leadership content, it deserves a longer shelf life than one round of LinkedIn promotion and a slot in your website “resources” section. Whether you’re an architecture, engineering or construction (AEC) firm or a law firm, long-form content offers like e-books can cost thousands of precious marketing dollars to produce and design, so you need to squeeze out every lead-generation opportunity you can. Top companies know that repurposing content is the smart thing to do — here’s how:

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Is your company guilty of these top blogging mistakes?

April 21, 2016

Is your company guilty of these top blogging mistakes?A blinking cursor on a blank screen is the devil on the shoulder of a writer. It’s the visual manifestation of writer’s block. My most recent episode? When I was trying to pen a guest article for a local business magazine. I wanted to contribute something that would educate B2B marketers. I know. Not very narrow. *Blink. Blink. Blink.* Then, I thought of ways I probe our clients when determining topics for their blog posts. “What’s a common misperception or challenge you’re noticing from your clients?” Well, for us, it’s blogging. Devil gone. 

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What Elf on the Shelf can teach us about content shelf life

December 14, 2015

What Elf on the Shelf can teach us about content shelf life

What’s in an elf?

I remember my first encounter with Elf on the Shelf: I was babysitting a pair of siblings who in no way got along. The destructive duo had this ugly felt elf who giochi gonfiabili changed positions every night, but they weren’t allowed to touch him, or else his magic would be ruined. If they acted up, the elf would tattle to Santa and they would be put on the naughty list. It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard — but they believed it.

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