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2 simple Gmail hacks for the efficient communications professional

February 17, 2015

2 simple gmail hacks for the efficient communications professional

Whether you’re in public relations, journalism or content marketing, the meat of your job is communicating. And with communicating comes emailing—lots and lots of emailing. You’re constantly clicking in your inbox:

  • Pitching
  • Sourcing
  • Setting up interviews
  • Sending follow-ups for all of the above
  • Following up on your follow-ups

It comes with the territory. However, if you use Gmail, there are plenty of hacks out there to make your life at little easier. Here are my two favorites at the moment:

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Marketing automation is not a strategy (and it’s useless without content)

January 26, 2015


Do NOT buy that marketing automation software (just yet). Before you pull the trigger, please read this blog post first.

Marketing automation is an incredibly valuable tool that is transforming the marketing industry. In the space of one year, the number of marketing technology companies has nearly doubled, rising to nearly 2,000 in 2015 according to Marketing Land.

However, it still faces an embarrassingly high failure rate of 60 percent. According to the Sales Benchmark Index, three out of five marketing automation installations fail, meaning they are under-utilized, not used at all, or eventually canceled.

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Building business relationships means picking up the phone

January 13, 2015

161143948I’ll admit it: I hate talking on the phone. I’m in my early 30s, so I certainly grew up with the phone as my primary means of communication as a child and through my teens, but my professional years have been spent relying on Google, email and social media for any communication I cannot conduct in person. I’m a huge proponent of getting out and meeting people in person, but I absolutely loathe having to talk on the phone.

When I was a practicing attorney, I liked doing things by email so there was always a record. However, when I became a journalist and started writing for Forbes and then ESPN, I had to get over my aversion to the phone in order to interview sources for my stories. Then I joined Reputation Ink, and I was encouraged to pick up the phone to follow up on pitches and get to know editors.

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Want employees to learn and grow? Let them blog

January 9, 2015

How content marketing can fuel employee learning and development

Intellectual growth should commence atI have always been an insatiable learner. I was a big reader as a child and now as a professional, it’s almost overwhelming the amount of books, blogs and articles that I want to read. But as I’ve gotten busier, like most people, reading has fallen by the wayside, with books piled up on my nightstand that I never quite get to.

However, I continue to learn and stay at the cutting edge of my industry. How? Content marketing. My agency is committed to writing and speaking about marketing and public relations topics, and thus I continually read and conduct research to ensure my blog posts and presentations are accurate, comprehensive and up to date.

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We’re hiring: how to get the gig

January 6, 2015

Have you finished polishing your clean slate yet? Happy 2014, I mean 2015 (ugh, I’ll be doing that for at least another two months). It’s no secret this time of year rings in resolutions and refreshed motivation. So what’s on your goals list? If finding a fulfilling, fantastic new job is top priority, this post is for you.

As Michelle wrote in my favorite post of hers yet (who doesn’t love getting showered with compliments?), Reputation Ink is in hiring mode, on the hunt for a full-time position marketing and public relations account executive. You can see the full job description here.

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Yes, it’s that New Year’s post: one look back, two steps ahead

January 5, 2015

Superhero_20152014 was a big year for Reputation Ink. As many of us do at this time of year, over the holidays I reflected on the year. As I thought about how busy it had been, I started to think about everything we achieved and somewhat startled myself when I developed a list. Here are some of the highlights:

Out with the old, in with the Ink

We started the year as Reputation Capital. In March, we rebranded to Reputation Ink and haven’t looked back. While I loved the name that we originally launched with back in 2011 (and as any company founder knows, it can be hard to let go of some things), I now love the name Reputation Ink even more. It perfectly reflects our commitment and passion for quality writing and how we use great writing to build our clients’ reputations.

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Happy Holidays!

December 19, 2014


Regift this: 6 tips to boost content sharing

December 18, 2014

regiftable content: sharable content

Outside of marketing, a regift would be considered a great insult to the recipient. In the content world, it’s one of the end goals: to get your reader to appreciate what you’ve provided so much that they wrap it up in the form of a tweet, social post or email and share the gift of your insight with someone else.


So how can we as content marketers ensure our e-books and buyer’s guides are just as regift-worthy as the label maker Elaine gave to dentist Tim Whatley back in 1995?

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Social media stocking stuffer: tips for managing your company accounts

December 16, 2014

social media stocking stufferWhat’s my secret to being the coolest Santa? Pinterest. I click over to the giftee’s Pinterest page, scope out their pins and then I buy one of said pins. I’m jolly because it’s quick and easy; they’re merry and bright because they don’t have to fake a smile and shove their way through the Wal-Mart returns line.

While I’m in the spirit of giving, I’ll be straight up. I’m not going to all of your Pinterest pages to shower you with gifts. What will I give you? A social media stocking stuffer with helpful tips and tricks I’ve learned from managing business accounts.

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Converting website visitors into customers—the content marketing conversion process explained

December 12, 2014


With any marketing, the end goal is to make money, right? If you talk to some marketers, you’d think their primary goal is “brand consistency” or “generating awareness” or “increasing website traffic.” But in the end, these aren’t the real reasons we as marketers get up in the morning and do our jobs. We are here to help our companies make money. Otherwise, our jobs wouldn’t exist. Thus it’s imperative that our content marketing efforts convert website visitors into leads, and eventually, into customers. But how does that happen?

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