Why B2B marketers can’t afford to ignore email marketing

February 19, 2019

If you’re a B2B marketer and not taking advantage of email, you’ve missed the effective-marketing boat (sounds like a fun party, doesn’t it?).

To put it in a way your CEO will understand, if your B2B company is not engaging in email marketing — including email newsletters, drip campaigns, lead nurturing emails, prospecting and promotional emails — your client acquisition and retention will suffer.

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How to get your employees to share your content (and why it’s so important)

February 5, 2019

How to get your employees to share your content

You’ve written thought-leadership blog posts. Designed beautiful infographics. Developed engaging videos. Created valuable e-books and white papers.

You’ve then shared the content on your company’s social media accounts, sent it to industry influencers, promoted it on your email newsletter, sent out a press release and more.

Now, wouldn’t it be fantastic if all of your employees shared the content to their social media networks? “Yeah, right, like that will happen,” you’re thinking. But it’s not a pipe dream. In fact, it’s one of the biggest trends in B2B and professional services marketing.

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6 questions to ask before you hire a professional content writer

January 21, 2019

High-quality content is rocket fuel for today’s marketing strategies. But the difficult task of finding great writers who can create that content often stalls the marketing rocket before it ever takes off.

Great writers help you effectively communicate your message, drive sales leads and save you the time and frustration that comes with a writer who doesn’t understand your business, strategic goals, voice and tone.

Beyond looking at writing samples, how can you assess whether a professional writer has what it takes to produce engaging, clear and effective content? Ask these six questions to see if a potential writer can deliver the goods:

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Marketers: It’s time to push back on your bosses’ bad ideas

November 20, 2018

Marketers: It’s time to push back on your bosses’ bad ideas

“Behind every bad idea is an executive who asked for it.”

I can feel all the marketers internally shouting “YAAAASSSSS.” I hear you, friend, I hear you.

The above quote — from a recent MarketingProfs webinar by Michael Brenner (best-selling author of The Content Formula and CEO of Marketing Insider Group) — made me stop in my tracks. I thought of the numerous times I’ve witnessed a C-suite executive ask a marketer to do something that I knew wasn’t the right course of action, yet the marketer did it anyway. Heck, I’ve been the one who did it anyway. I’ve always thought, “That’s just the way it is.”

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Need to persuade an audience? Use these 5 powerful messaging techniques

June 21, 2018

5 powerful messaging techniques to persuade

If you’ve watched the show “Mad Men,” you may have thought that you, too, could be an advertising executive, drink old fashioneds during the day, chain smoke cigarettes and come up with cool campaigns that persuade the American public to choose one brand over another with a snappy slogan.

Well slow your roll, Nancy.

Mad Men made advertising look easy because it was easier back then.

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3 PR takeaways from Cision’s 2018 ‘Global State of the Media’ report

May 8, 2018


Nowadays, the media is the news. With a president who calls the media “fake news” and an overwhelming supply of competing vendita gonfiabili content online, the news industry has been under rapid transformation and intense scrutiny like no other profession in past years.

However, the media — and the public relations profession — are winning.

One stunning proof point: The digital paywall business of “the failing New York Timesis growing as fast as Facebook and faster than Google. Its online subscription sales jumped 46 percent in 2017 to $340 million, and digital ad sales rose 14 percent to $238 million. Subscriptions now make up 60 percent of the news organization’s total revenue.

It’s an interesting time to be in PR.

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4 reasons marketers must shift toward a ‘knowledge extraction’ mindset

May 2, 2018


Marketers… if you had to describe your most important role in one or two words, what would you say? My gut tells me that many would say “promotion,” “brand building” or “thought leadership.” I doubt many would say “knowledge extraction.” And that must change.

Knowledge extraction is basically that — extracting knowledge from your subject-matter experts (SMEs). It’s a specialized skill when done right, and it’s imperative for effective business-to-business and professional services marketing. Here’s why:

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7 ways to overcome content marketing’s biggest challenge: just getting it done

April 24, 2018


We’ve all heard it before:

“I just can’t get my subject-matter experts to give me the information I need.”

“We would do content marketing, but we can never find the time — we’re too busy focused on billable work.”

I get it. Content marketing takes time. It’s the reason I have a viable business, after all.

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Crisis PR and the FIU bridge collapse: 8 ways to prepare your AEC firm for the worst

March 30, 2018

8 crisis PR tips

“By the time you hear the thunder, it’s too late to build the ark.” —Unknown

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare in the architecture, engineering and construction industry: a catastrophic incident with multiple fatalities, and your company is on the line.

That’s the reality right now for FIGG Bridge Engineers and MCM — the designer and builder, respectively, of the pedestrian bridge at Florida International University that collapsed March 15, killing six and injuring 10 others.

The focus now is on honoring the lives vendita gonfiabile percorso ad ostacoli lost, determining what led to the collapse and ultimately holding anyone negligent accountable. However, the incident is a reminder of how incredibly important it is for AEC public relations professionals to prepare to respond to such worst-case scenarios.

While every situation is unique, and the experience of a crisis PR professional is invaluable during an event, here are eight ways you can prepare now to protect your firm’s reputation as much as possible in the event the worst happens.

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