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Big Law’s high prices are a PR and marketing opportunity for midsize firms: 5 strategic tips

March 4, 2025

Master your firm’s marketing and PR strategy to become the obvious alternative for clients rethinking their reliance on large law firms.

Let’s talk about the elephant in the boardroom: hiring a large law firm has become astronomically expensive.

With some Big Law partners now commanding up to $2,500 an hour (yep, you read that correctly), the math is making many clients cringe. For midsize law firms offering the same top-tier service without bloated overhead costs and bureaucratic red tape, this is an opportunity. They’re nimble, responsive and, frankly, just as good at the work — AKA the perfect refuge for clients fleeing high costs and inefficiencies.  

But many midsize firms fumble this opportunity in two ways: 

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Building stronger AEC partnerships through collaborative marketing

February 28, 2025

The architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry is built on personal connection. Projects aren’t just about blueprints and budgets. They’re about people. 

Moreover, the journey from concept to project completion isn’t one that any AEC professional embarks on alone. Architects conceptualize designs, engineers optimize their plans, and construction professionals transform ideas into tangible things. It’s an incredibly collaborative field, so why shouldn’t that collaboration extend to marketing?

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The power shift: What legal marketers can learn from the 2024 election

January 23, 2025

The 2024 U.S. presidential election vividly illustrated a significant shift in media consumption and, more specifically, who people trust for information and news. For the first time in American history, presidential nominees and their running mates leveraged podcasts more than mainstream media to reach voters, reflecting broader changes in how younger generations access and engage with information.

This transformation is not limited to politics. It’s reshaping the legal landscape as well. Legal marketers who want to remain a trusted source for their audience need to pay attention to the media landscape shift and adapt their marketing and PR practices to become an “influencer” to reach their ideal clients.

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The power shift: What AEC marketers can learn from the 2024 election

January 23, 2025

The 2024 U.S. presidential election vividly illustrated a significant shift in media consumption and, more specifically, who people trust for information and news. For the first time in American history, presidential nominees and their running mates leveraged podcasts more than mainstream media to reach voters, reflecting broader changes in how younger generations access and engage with information.

This transformation is not limited to politics. It’s reshaping the B2B landscape as well. B2B marketers who want to remain a trusted source for their audience need to pay attention to the media landscape shift and adapt their marketing and PR practices to become an industry “influencer” to reach their ideal clients.

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Top B2B marketing trends for professional services in 2025

January 13, 2025

I wrote a predictions blog post in early 2020, but nowhere in that post were the words COVID-19, murder hornets or Black Lives Matter protests. Suffice it to say, that’s the last time I’ll ever write a blog post predicting anything. Instead, I’m sharing some trends I believe any professional services firm or B2B company should consider when implementing marketing strategies this year.

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Useful LinkedIn features B2B firms should use to enhance their marketing

November 26, 2024

Selling expertise to sophisticated audiences is professional services firms’ bread-and-butter. As such, these firms stand to benefit enormously from getting their LinkedIn strategy down pat. 

The platform has an active audience of over 1 billion professionals who want to connect and engage with content that improves their work lives. According to LinkedIn, members engage with 1.5 million pieces of content every minute, a testament to the platform’s success at fostering connection.

LinkedIn offers several features that enable businesses to exhibit, highlight and amplify their offerings and owned content to reach and convert leads. Let’s talk about how to make the most of them.

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Merry and bright: A blueprint for creating your AEC firm’s 2024 holiday card

November 5, 2024

For architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) marketing teams, wrapping up a successful holiday card campaign feels like a sip of hot cup of cocoa on a snowy, blustery day — a comforting relief! However, developing a holiday card concept, securing firmwide support, and executing the plan can feel more like that after-shave scene in Home Alone. You know the one.


While you may be tempted to send a quick email with an AI-generated image of elves, a wreath, and some mistletoe, that isn’t the personal touch your clients and business partners will melt over. Holiday cards give AEC firms the chance to express their gratitude for the support and collaboration received throughout the year. They can also communicate your company’s values. You don’t have to overcomplicate it but don’t phone it in.

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Attorney bios are a business development tool. Here’s how to use them

October 31, 2024

It’s probably one of the first things you handle when a lawyer joins your firm, but our guess is that most attorney bios haven’t received much love since then. 

Hey, we’re not here to judge. We know the attorneys have been busy doing all the stuff they were hired to do. The thing is, that bio is one of the most important marketing tools your firm has. Done right, it can be a passive business development asset, drawing in potential clients and contacts without lawyers having to lift a finger.

Attorney bios are among the most frequently visited pages on a law firm’s website, used by decision-makers to compare and contrast firms and gauge attorney skills and compatibility. If a prospective client is looking at your firm’s bio pages, you’re halfway there, but you will lose them with unengaging, complicated or outdated copy.

Your attorneys know how their training and experience have shaped them into the professionals they are today and how that makes them an invaluable resource to clients. But do their pages tell that story? 

Here are five secrets to crafting attorney bios that resonate.

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October law firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

October 15, 2024

As a Floridian who somehow dodged another major hurricane this month, I can’t help but think of all those who didn’t. To everyone in the Southeast affected by Helene and Milton, I hope you and your families are OK and can get back to normal as soon as possible. And while deadline extensions are never guaranteed, you might consider requesting one if your firm was badly affected. 

In the coming months, look out for changes at ALM, which will be reorienting how it presents its content. In an October Law Firm Media Professionals panel, editors explained that regional publications will remain a priority while ALM also integrates content from Law.com’s national and international desks on relevant beats like the business of law, litigation and in-house counsel. 

Now, here are the legal PR deadlines we don’t want you to have nightmares about during spooky season:

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October AEC firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

October 14, 2024

There are so many spooky puns sprinting into my brain right now, it’s scary.

Instead of sprinkling fun wordplay all over this intro, let me tell you a real-life haunting tale.

I have been with Reputation Ink for eight years now and I’ve felt real fear in my bones approximately four times. Each of those times has been centered around the thought of, “Did I miss that deadline? No! Maybe? I’m scared to look … WHEW.”

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