Social media video matters: why and how to do it at your law firm (with examples)

April 30, 2024

For better or worse, today’s marketers need to keep the beast we call “Social Media” well-fed. The problem is that the beast’s palette keeps changing.

What’s the optimal post time on each platform? How many posts should I make per week? How is my audience responding? Why are impressions down? Oh wait, they’re up again. Feed? Threads? Stories? Reels? Shorts? Hashtags? What do you mean Congress wants to ban TikTok?!

If you want to keep the social media algorithm happy — and more importantly, your audience engaged — you should consider working video into your strategy.

Why video?

Daunting as it might sound to add another round of content creation to your never-ending to-do list, the data doesn’t lie. Video is a growing priority in professional services marketing. 

In Hubspot’s 2024 State of Marketing, researchers found that short-form video delivers the highest return on investment (ROI) for businesses. To get more granular, we can look at the Content Marketing Institute’s (CMI) research, which found that 84% of B2B content marketers use video — the most popular content format after short articles and posts. In addition, 69% of B2B marketers told CMI they want to invest more resources into video, with thought leadership a close second at 53%. 

And if you’re still doubting its impact, just think about how many platforms have incorporated video features in recent years. Even LinkedIn is working on a way to optimize short-form videos on its feed, following in the footsteps of basically every other popular social media app.

Who’s watching?

Allow me to set the stage real quick: Why would a person scroll through a law firm’s social media profile? They may be:

  • A prospective client who wants to get a vibe check on your firm’s capabilities. They’re trying to get a snapshot of your past cases, matters, awards and recognitions, firm values and the attorneys who may be handling their matter.
  • A potential lateral hire deciding whether your firm is a good fit for them. They want to get a feel for your culture, values and their future partners. Do you have a collaborative and inclusive culture? Will they have the opportunity to work on high-profile clients and cases? Does the firm actively participate in professional development activities? What about client referral networks or thought leadership initiatives?
  • A legal professional who sees your firm as an industry leader with their pulse on the latest trends and developments. For this person, your account may be an educational resource that helps them keep up with the rapidly evolving industry. It could be a referral partner, such as other attorneys, C-suite executives and risk professionals. If you’re an active thought leader, this group can also include legal journalists evaluating whether your firm and attorneys are qualified to contribute to their industry publications. If speaking engagements are part of your strategy, it may include judging panels determining whether your team should be awarded a speaker spot at their event.

Seven engaging videos to use in your law firm’s social media strategy

Frankly, video is a great marketing tool. It allows you to cater to different audiences with different media consumption preferences, diversify your content to keep followers engaged and build trust by bringing a new level of authenticity to your law firm.

Now that I have your attention, let’s look at the types of videos that work well for law firms. We’ll focus on the following seven:

  1. Attorney bios and spotlights
  2. Client testimonials
  3. Firm news
  4. Education
  5. Thought leadership
  6. Culture
  7. Podcast excerpts

Attorney bios and spotlights

Gesmer Updegrove LLP 

Full post 

Gatlin Voelker PLLC 

Full post 

Proskauer Rose LLP

Full post 

Labaton Keller Sucharow LLP

Full post 

DeWitt LLP 

Full post 

Client testimonials

Gesmer Updegrove LLP

Full post 

Trembly Law Firm 

Full post 


Full post 

Firm news

Lightfoot, Franklin & White — Partner promotions

Full post

Beasley Allen Law Firm — Year in review

Full post 

Quinn Emanuel — Legal 500 ranking announcement

Full post 

GrayRobinson, P.A. — New associates announcement

Full post 

BAST AMRON LLP — Attorneys named to Best Lawyers in America®

 Full post 

Tressler — Partners named to Best Lawyers in America®

Full post 


Chambliss, Bahner & Stophel — Labor and employment update

Full post 

Balch & Bingham ​​— U.S. District Court for the District of Maine decision update

 Full post 

Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP — What is Force Majeure?

Full post 

Arnold & Porter — Three types of emissions and how companies can accurately address and report them

Full post

Motley Rice 

Full post 

Morris, Manning & Martin LLP — Attorney privileges

Full post 

Thought leadership

Willenken LLP — Top 10 Secrets All In-House Counsel Need To Know To Manage a Case That Could Go To Trial

Full post 

DLA Piper — How is ESG evolving?

Full post 

Baker McKenzie — Workforce Redesign: Outlooks for Business Leaders Series

Full post 


Adams and Reese — Why Adams and Reese 

Full post

Kean Miller LLP — Family Picnic event

Full post 

BAST AMRON LLP — Volunteering for Be Strong International

Full post 

Luks, Santaniello, Petrillo, Cohen & Peterfriend — Luks & Santaniello’s Annual Opening Day at the Park

Full post 

Podcast excerpts

Edelson PC — “The Non-Compliant” Podcast

Full post 

Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP and Affiliates — “The Standard Formula” Podcast

Full post

Arnall Golden Gregory LLP — “AGG Talks” Podcast

Full post 

Five tips for executing a successful video content strategy

Before we part ways, I’ll leave you with some actionable ways to execute a video strategy under time and budget constraints. We want to make sure each post hits home with its target audience and that as many people as possible get the opportunity to see your firm’s video investment.

#1 Repurpose existing content

Time and marketing dollars are precious, albeit limited. Use your existing content as a springboard to generate video topics. For example, could you pull bite-sized threads from a recent blog post, bylined article, speaking engagement, client alert or client presentation?

#2 Make it as painless as possible for talent

Plan out your content ahead of time and pre-script as much as possible to make the recording process quick and easy for your staff. 

#3 Use your smartphone

You don’t need expensive equipment to start shooting videos! Smartphones are the perfect starter tool for dipping your toes into social media video creation. If you want something fancier or are ready to level up your production value, check out our equipment recommendations for an in-house video program.

#4 Keep it short

Asking a scrolling — mind you, busy  — legal professional or client to spend 30+ minutes watching your video isn’t always going to fly. Short videos are easier for social media audiences to commit to. Additionally, most platforms have video length restrictions. 

Overall, try to keep your videos around 60-90 seconds.

#5 Post strategically

Your social media posting schedule is influenced by three factors: Where, when and how often?

Where? Most professional services audiences congregate on LinkedIn, so focus most of your energy there. If you run Facebook and Instagram accounts, you’ll also want to post to reels there. YouTube is the #1 video search engine, but don’t sweat about creating an account unless it’s already part of your broader marketing strategy or you plan to produce long-form videos. 

When? You should understand when your audience uses social media. Tools like Hootsuite and Sprout Social track activity times and can recommend optimal posting times for your accounts.

How often? Social media real estate feels infinite, but it is limited. A healthy account will post two or three times a week, but not all of that content needs to be video. To start, I’d aim for one video per month and progressively scale to one per week for best results. Avoid posting back-to-back. Instead, give your videos the time they need to breathe. People consume social media on different dates and times, so give them the opportunity to have that video from Monday show up on their feed before you bury it under three other posts.

Do you have questions about creating videos for your law firm’s social media? Or maybe you just want someone to brainstorm video ideas with? Let’s talk:


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  • About the Author
    Sofia Millar

    Sofia is a creative and dynamic content creator with a passion for innovative storytelling. Whether she’s crafting a compelling blog post or developing a fun social media strategy, she knows exactly what to target to make sure audiences are invested in her client’s work.

    Read my full bio or connect with me on LinkedIn.

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