Crisis PR and the FIU bridge collapse: 8 ways to prepare your AEC firm for the worst

March 30, 2018

8 crisis PR tips

“By the time you hear the thunder, it’s too late to build the ark.” —Unknown

It’s everyone’s worst nightmare in the architecture, engineering and construction industry: a catastrophic incident with multiple fatalities, and your company is on the line.

That’s the reality right now for FIGG Bridge Engineers and MCM — the designer and builder, respectively, of the pedestrian bridge at Florida International University that collapsed March 15, killing six and injuring 10 others.

The focus now is on honoring the lives vendita gonfiabile percorso ad ostacoli lost, determining what led to the collapse and ultimately holding anyone negligent accountable. However, the incident is a reminder of how incredibly important it is for AEC public relations professionals to prepare to respond to such worst-case scenarios.

While every situation is unique, and the experience of a crisis PR professional is invaluable during an event, here are eight ways you can prepare now to protect your firm’s reputation as much as possible in the event the worst happens.

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3 simple ways law firms can promote litigation wins

March 19, 2018

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For litigation firms and practice groups, promoting your wins can be an uphill battle. Client confidentiality, multi-year timelines, last-minute rulings, and complex legal ideas and maneuverings make litigation promotion a unique art form.

High-profile cases require proactive media relations

Sometimes, litigation is high-profile and requires a proactive, ongoing effort to manage the public narrative as litigation unfolds. In this case, your PR team builds relationships, tells your side of the story in plain language, explains complex legal ideas and builds trust with reporters covering the story.

Not all litigation is media worthy

However, not all litigation is high-profile or media worthy. Or, clients’ concerns about confidentiality prevent any kind of public relations until a favorable outcome is obtained.

In these cases, how can law firms showcase their prowess in obtaining victories on behalf of their clients and stay top of mind with prospective clients who face similar business risks?

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