Stop wasting your money with HubSpot

June 21, 2016

4 ways you’re flushing money on your marketing automation software by not being strategic.

Stop wasting your money with HubSpot

Not quite as old as the chicken or egg, but the debate has been going on for years. Is marketing automation software worth the cost, or could you get away with using something cheaper? Well, the answer isn’t as cut and dry as you’d hope. (And it can’t be found in a pretty infographic or price comparison chart.)

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Behind the Screens: A glimpse inside our content marketing process

June 1, 2016

Behind the Screens

Turning another year older makes you reflect on all you’ve accomplished. Five loooonnnnngggg years ago this week, I launched an agency focused on creating great content, from blog posts to e-books, infographics, case studies, website content, checklists, videos and beyond. In the process, we became experts in content marketing strategy — the what, why, when, where and how of content marketing.

Throughout our five years, content marketing has become THE marketing buzzword. “Content marketers” are now a dime a dozen. But truly great content is rare. And, man, is it hard to create.

That’s why, to celebrate our 5th birthday, we’re pulling back the curtain to give you a glimpse inside Rep Ink’s creative process so you can see what goes into creating content worthy of the spotlight.

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