Professional B2B content marketing writers: Why you need ‘em and how to find ‘em

November 10, 2017

Professional B2B content marketing writers: Why you need ‘em and how to find ‘em

By far, the number-one challenge we hear from prospects and clients when it comes to content marketing is finding the time to do it. Producing content is time consuming.

Behind every blog post, white paper, hüpfburg mit rutsche kaufen e-book, case study, infographic and video are countless hours of research, interviewing, organizing, writing and editing for accuracy, word choice, clarity, voice and flow.

At the same time, many in complex B2B industries (like law, manufacturing, technology, architecture, engineering and construction) believe that their businesses are too complex and niche for non-technical professionals (such as writers) to grasp and translate into compelling, digestible content.

“We have to do it ourselves” is something I’ve heard time and time again.

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Is your company guilty of these top blogging mistakes?

April 21, 2016

Is your company guilty of these top blogging mistakes?A blinking cursor on a blank screen is the devil on the shoulder of a writer. It’s the visual manifestation of writer’s block. My most recent episode? When I was trying to pen a guest article for a local business magazine. I wanted to contribute something that would educate B2B marketers. I know. Not very narrow. *Blink. Blink. Blink.* Then, I thought of ways I probe our clients when determining topics for their blog posts. “What’s a common misperception or challenge you’re noticing from your clients?” Well, for us, it’s blogging. Devil gone. 

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