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Navigating the AI revolution: What you need to know if your marketing agency uses AI

September 30, 2024

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

In an era where artificial intelligence’s (AI) influence is proliferating, many have proclaimed the obsolescence of marketing agencies — or, at the very least, the death of certain marketing functions. Can we do away with copywriters now that ChatGPT can automate copy? What about graphic designers now that Canva has Magic Design, an AI design generator?

But how much more efficient and effective does AI actually make marketing agencies? What should clients expect? And should clients be concerned about how their agencies are using AI?

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September law firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

September 17, 2024

Behold! Something that isn’t about the U.S. presidential election. Drink it in. Let it swirl around your mind until the bad taste is gone. Read it twice if you need to. 

As we traverse pumpkin spice season, the former Starbucks barista in me is experiencing PTSD, but the rest of me is thrilled. As January’s less intense, flannel-wearing cousin, September is a month of fresh starts and back-to-school energy — and that applies to many legal awards, too.

One such publication gearing up for a new cycle is The Legal 500, which recently hosted a meet-the-editors webinar to demystify its research process, referee requirements and submission essentials ahead of the November 20 deadline.

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September AEC firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

September 16, 2024

Thank goodness we made it to autumn! (She says while watching the thermostat hit 88 degrees.)

I think we can all agree that the end of Q3 is when things start sprinting toward the new year. All of a sudden we’re developing 2025 budgets, planning conference attendance and ironing out new goals.

If more ink for your architecture, engineering and construction firm sits on the top of your goals for 2024 and 2025, we’re happy to help. We keep an eye on all things AEC, and below are the opportunities we believe to be worth your time.

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These 12 AI tools can help professional services firms create thought leadership content

August 28, 2024

Ah, the blank page. It’s been taunting humans ever since we invented writing. The desire to fill it can be strong, but, oh, the excruciating frustration of actually putting pen to paper — or hands to keyboard. 

We can’t all lock ourselves in a remote cabin with nothing but a feather quill and log fire in order to create fantastic content. That’s especially true if you’re running a law practice, architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) firm or any other professional services business. Clients are gonna client, and billable work must take priority.  

However, there is unique value in creating regular, insightful thought leadership content. When done right, it can set your firm apart, demonstrate its authority in an industry, build trust with new prospects and keep existing clients engaged. 

With the support of artificial intelligence (AI), tasks such as idea generation, research, writing and editing can be streamlined. The key is not to automate the entire process but to be strategic about what you outsource to AI and what you continue to do the old-fashioned way. 

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August law firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

August 12, 2024

Not sure if you’re hip enough to use the term “brat summer?” I’m here to tell you that you are — especially if you’re spending August pursuing awards, rankings and PR opportunities for law firms. The submission process can feel messy, complex and even unstable at times, but it’s powered by unapologetic confidence and badass accomplishments. That IS brat, my friend.

Speaking of the younger generation, several hundred of them have responded to Law360’s summer associates survey. The first of its two-part report found that a firm’s reputation and the culture it advertised were among the most important criteria for choosing a summer associateship. Just saying. Also, the no. 1 resource that respondents said they used to inform their decisions was the firm’s website, so make sure those bios and practice pages are looking sharp!

Here are the legal PR opportunities that are in full bloom this month:

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August AEC firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

August 12, 2024

Would you believe me if I said that we are fully in back-to-school mode over here?

I almost don’t believe it myself (she says while panting through 104 degrees of humid heat), but the school supply receipt says otherwise.

Fresh pencils and untarnished highlighters are a great reminder of how delightful a fresh start can be. Even if this year’s editorial calendars have gotten away from you and your architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) firm, it’s never too late to review the opportunities that highlight your strengths.

Below are Rep Ink’s favorite PR opportunities this month for our AEC clients:

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How to prepare for a broadcast interview (even when you’re dreading it)

July 26, 2024

“This isn’t going to be on TV, is it?”

I can’t count the number of times I heard that question from someone I was about to interview — even though I was holding my clearly branded TV news microphone up to their face and my photojournalist colleague was pointing a professional-quality video camera lens at them. Sometimes I felt like saying, “Um, yeah. What else would we be doing here?” (But I didn’t.)

It speaks to some people’s deep-seated, all-encompassing fear of speaking in front of the camera (or a webcam or a podcast microphone). I’m here to tell you: you can do it — even if you don’t think you can at first. As a former broadcast news anchor and reporter with two decades of experience, I’ve got some thoughts on how to make that dreaded on-cam interview easier for yourself.

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July AEC firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

July 12, 2024

In my neck of the woods, it is back-to-school season. 

I know!

This heat begs for pool days and popsicles. But alas.

I’ve always loved back-to-school vibes. The freshly sharpened pencils, the rainbow of highlighters, the color-coded binders standing at attention. It’s no wonder that, in adulthood, I found my way to a role that allows me to treat each month as a fresh start.

At Rep Ink, we keep monthly tabs on the brightest opportunities we think are worth your architecture, engineering and construction firm’s time. And while things tend to slow down in the summer, rest assured that we will continue to send all relevant awards and rankings your way. 

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July law firm rankings, lists, awards and PR opportunities

July 10, 2024

So, this is your inbox? I love it. It’s giving bustling Post Office and whimsical library vibes. But what’s that smell coming from the spam corner?

Anyway. You might recall that I recently accepted the legal PR opportunities emailing baton from my wonderful colleague, Shelby Gambrell. Don’t worry — Shelby still exists and is quite frankly irreplaceable. But as a former managing editor and legal awards judge at ALM with experience leading communications strategies for law firms across the U.S., I’m hoping I can keep you all updated and provide a few useful insights along the way. 

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How to best utilize the Chambers and Partners USA portal for your firm

July 10, 2024

The Chambers and Partners USA Guide is considered one of the most prestigious legal rankings in the country, with a hotly anticipated release every year. You probably are very familiar with going through the complex submissions process — and the joy of seeing that hard work pay off in a top ranking. But did you know there’s a hidden aspect of Chambers you may have ignored that can be your ace in the hole? We’re talking about the Chambers portal. 

Legal marketers and attorneys might have used the Chambers portal in the past as a place to pull badges and view rankings, but there are yet more treasures just waiting for you to check out and leverage in your Chambers process. These include a referee management platform, an analytics section and even a social media image generator. Below are four features you might not know about:

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