7 decisions to make before beginning a content project

June 6, 2019

7 decisions to make before beginning a content project

Content projects — such as website updates and new bios, practice group descriptions, case studies and project descriptions — may seem simple at first glance. Just figure out what needs to be written, do the research, conduct subject-matter-expert interviews and start writing…. Right?

Not so fast.

Before you ever set fingers to keyboard, you must first make several key decisions that will guide your content project, saving you from future headaches, disagreements and inconsistent (and thus unprofessional) content.

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Law firm diversity: How to showcase your efforts (and not be fake)

May 7, 2019

How to showcase your law firm diversity (and not be fake)

The issue of diversity in the modern law firm is a hot issue right now, and rightfully so: Recent figures from the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) show that in 2018, just one in five equity partners were women (19.6%) and only 6.6% were racial/ethnic minorities.

And just earlier this year, the all-white partner class at an elite law firm stirred a national debate on law firm diversity, including in-depth coverage in The New York Times. (Yeah, you can’t exactly sweep them under the rug.)

This conversation has left numerous managing partners, diversity committees and legal marketers asking:

  • Just how diverse is our firm?
  • Do we do enough to showcase our diversity?
  • What does diversity truly mean at its core?

Spoiler alert: Simply having an inactive “diversity committee” isn’t enough.

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