A legal tech professional’s guide to the media you must know: The bloggers and media outlets

September 30, 2022
Securing coverage in trusted media outlets will help build your case before notoriously selective lawyers and other legal tech purchasers.

It has never been a better time to be in legal technology. As the billable-hour model confronts continual client backlash, law firms and in-house counsel are more eager than ever to streamline their work with the right technology. Law firm partners are also seeking new ways to leverage technology to expedite discovery work, create compelling trial presentations and maximize profits.

Through legal transformation, the process of leveraging technology, outsourcing and other tools to “transform” the way legal tasks are done, companies and law firms have been able to realize cost savings across the board by automating traditionally manual processes — all while helping counsel both outside and in-house focus their legal acumen on more pressing, high-risk matters.

It does not matter if you’re an eDiscovery company, contract lifecycle management (CLM) provider, e-sign processor, or Web 3.0 application developer; there is space for your company to grow and compete in a rapidly growing niche that already sports several multibillion-dollar unicorns. However, companies and startups entering the legal field will find that the very lawyers they are targeting care about the same selling points: each company’s reputation and ability to create value. 

Securing coverage in trusted media outlets will help build your case before notoriously selective lawyers and other legal tech purchasers. Unsurprisingly, legal tech entrepreneurs must carve out the necessary time to build relationships with key reporters, bloggers and influencers. 

Even though legal tech may seem very niche at first glance, a wide range of personalities and outlets cover it. The legal tech media landscape is multifaceted, encompassing outlets hungry for quotable sources and bylined articles. This piece will cover the bloggers and media outlets that legal tech companies should target as they plan their upcoming initiatives.

Bob Ambrogi, LawSites and LawNext Directory

Ask any lawyer to identify a leading influencer in legal tech, and chances are the first name they’ll share is Bob Ambrogi. Bob, a media lawyer by trade, showed up on the legal tech scene decades ago after publishing the first Internet newsletter for lawyers, legal.online, in 1994. Since then, he has become an institution on his own, from judging the ABA TechShow’s Startup Alley to hosting a popular Friday round-up show with other influencers in the space. 

Ambrogi’s LawSites, unsurprisingly, is the website of choice for buyers from all types of firms seeking the newest and latest solutions for their eDiscovery, practice management, CLM, and other legal transformation needs. 

Suppose you have a new product or feature launch that you want to share a demo of or a merger or acquisition that will significantly affect the legal tech sphere. In that case, Bob should be the first person you turn to, regardless of the legal practice niche you serve. This past year, Bob launched the LawNext Directory, a compilation of the latest and greatest innovations in legal technology for all to see. 

How to get his attention: Since Bob gets inundated with product review requests, joining his LawNext Directory can be a great way to get on his radar. However, submitting to his directory alone won’t be enough to generate coverage. A legal tech PR agency can work with you to put your best foot forward with a well-prepared, thought-out pitch that discusses the benefits of your product or feature. 

Legaltech News

While Bob may be the top influencer in the legal tech space, Legaltech News — part of ALM’s Law.com ecosystem online — is one of sector’s leading publications. The outlet — now led by recently appointed editor Stephanie Wilkins —  focuses its coverage on areas as varied as cybersecurity and privacy, legal operations, products and software, and vendor updates. It is also the chief news partner for Legalweek, ALM’s market-leading trade show for eDiscovery, legal ops, and legal tech vendors. 

The reporting featured in Legaltech News is varied, ranging from product and company announcement roundups to expert analysis on emerging tech issues for law firms and in-house counsel. Because of its wide-ranging coverage, Legaltech News should be on any legal tech entrepreneur’s list of web browser bookmarks.  

How to get the publication’s attention: Legaltech News welcomes outside contributors to propose bylined articles for its online edition. In a recent article covering her appointment as editor, Wilkins remarked that she loves to learn about exciting innovations. “Legal tech companies today are creating some truly impressive tools that would have made my life infinitely better back when I was practicing,” the former attorney said. “I’m looking forward to hearing what people come up with next.” The publication is also open to source and product demo pitches. 

ABA Journal

The ABA Journal, the official publication of the American Bar Association, is considered the granddaddy of all legal trades. The magazine reaches a good portion of the U.S. legal community — including decision-makers interested in leveraging new tools to further their legal transformation initiatives. 

The ABA Journal has a dedicated technology page on its website, which features content from staff writers and contributors. While this publication tends to cover broader legal tech trends impacting law firms, its coverage encompasses more than the latest CLM and vendor updates. Some of the publication’s more recent articles have addressed issues as varied as the metaverse, legal chatbots, and the role of AI in the law.

How to get the publication’s attention: The ABA Journal is a great place to submit a bylined article proposal covering the intersection between technology and the law, and submitting a story idea is also possible. Lawyers can also pitch pieces to the Your Voice and Mind Your Business columns. For Your Voice, the publication looks for thoughtful essays on issues affecting the legal profession — including technology-centered ones. The ABA Journal’s Mind Your Business column, on the other hand, can be an appropriate avenue for pieces on how emerging tools and technologies can improve legal practice management.

Law360 Pulse

Law360 Pulse expands the coverage of its parent publication, Law360, into practice management and business development topics. The online outlet includes a dedicated legal tech tab that highlights notable tech hirings and judicial decisions, product rollouts, AI advancements and more.

How to get the publication’s attention: Much like the ABA Journal, Law360 Pulse accepts bylined articles from lawyers and legal technology professionals — as long as they are journalistic and not self-promotional. A contributed pieceLaw360 Pulse can also be a great way to get on the radar of reporters and editors within Law360’s editorial ecosystem, whether as a bylined author or as a trusted source. 

The Legal IT Insider | The Orange Rag

The Legal IT Insider has been a leading niche source for information technology developments in the legal sector since 1995. Although the publication is based in the U.K. and has a British bent to it, it is a great resource for anyone looking to keep up to speed with legal IT developments in Magic Circle firms. It is also helpful for viewing informative webinars on legal tech and IT topics, downloading reports on emerging technology trends and reviewing directories of U.K. and U.S. firms leading the way in technology. 

Noted legal technology influencer Caroline Hill, who transitioned into journalism after representing criminal defendants and working for Norton Rose in London, currently runs Legal IT Insider and its companion PDF newsletter, The Orange Rag.

How to get the publication’s attention: The Legal IT Insider can be a great option for legal technology companies and tech-savvy law firms looking to publicize product announcements and industry moves. Work with your PR team to craft compelling media pitches and award submissions that mesh with your quarterly goals and initiatives. 

Legal IT Professionals

Legal IT Professionals is another great, independent news site that focuses on all things legal technology. This online outlet integrates local and global coverage of legal IT news and trends, ranging from product launches and law firm-vendor relationship reporting to in-depth interviews with leading experts. 

The outlet, run by longtime legal tech consultant Rob Ameerun, is free and offers comprehensive vendor databases covering various legal tech and IT niches and a regularly updated calendar of key legal tech events.

How to get the publication’s attention: The team at Legal IT Professionals, as its website notes, is “always searching for legal IT news” from all over the world. It accepts press releases from vendors and guest column pitch ideas from knowledgeable legal tech experts looking to market themselves to a global audience. It is also free to join the publication’s comprehensive vendor database.

Artificial Lawyer

The legal industry is currently in flux, coming to terms with new and disruptive innovations such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, Web 3.0 technologies, and more. Artificial Lawyer can be a great option for staying abreast of these market-altering trends. 

Run by editor Richard Tromans, Artificial Lawyer’s stories revolve around how automation, AI and other technologies are transforming law practice, along with posts about emerging developments in areas such as CLM, data security, legal analytics, document review, billing and time analysis, decision automation and collaborative platforms. 

The website offers a helpful legal tech education guide to global programs at the undergraduate and post-graduate levels for those looking to get involved in this ever-dynamic sector. In addition, Artificial Lawyer developed Legal Innovators, an in-person tech conference for alternative legal service provider (ALSP) members, legal ops personnel, in-house counsel and law firms that it holds in the U.K. and U.S.

How to get the publication’s attention: The Artificial Lawyer likes to supplement its staff-generated content with guest posts, making it a good place to pitch story ideas for emerging legal tech topics and technologies. Therefore, this publication could be a good option to add to your ongoing media pitching strategy for bylined articles and source introductions.

Above the Law

While Above the Law is the legal industry’s “guilty pleasure” for spilling the tea about life in BigLaw, it has garnered an excellent reputation as a source for legal tech coverage. The publication has a dedicated news tab on legal tech, with stories covering state law updates around legal tech coverage, guides to AI and social media. It is also one of the rare publications that offers and promotes well-written, informative sponsored content. 

How to get the publication’s attention:  Above the Law has a deep roster of journalists, all of whom are open to story pitches and source pitches. A legal tech PR firm can fine-tune your outreach and help identify which Above the Law journalists would be appropriate for your story idea. If you are open to sponsored content, paying to play can return some dividends — especially given the high visibility the publication affords to sponsored legal tech content. 

3 Geeks and a Law Blog

Lastly, we’re capping off this list with an oldie but a goodie. As one of the oldest legal tech blogs, 3 Geeks and a Law Blog is an institution for its loyal readership. The blog, started by former Utah State Bar director Toby Brown, knowledge management expert Greg Lambert, and lawyer and internet marketing manager Sophia Lambert, has grown over the years to focus on developments around the administrative side of BigLaw. In addition, the blog discusses key legal tech issues affecting the corporate and in-house sectors.

How to get the publication’s attention: This blog does entertain guest post pitches but is very selective on what it will consider for publication. According to their website, they are interested in content from BigLaw-sector contributors whose posts fit the blog’s overall feel and tone of voice. 

Suppose you are interested in trying your hand at pitching this publication. In that case, an experienced legal PR team can review your proposed news or content and assess whether it would have a good chance at publication. Companies with product releases, promotional news, or ambitions for sponsored content campaigns should target other outlets.

Of course, these influencers and outlets represent just a sampling of the growing and ever-evolving options legal tech companies have to integrate themselves into the legal tech media landscape. Still, starting with these can be a great introduction to the dynamic, welcoming and ever-growing legal tech sector — and can serve as excellent entry points for your brand and grow your legal tech industry knowledge. 

Now that you’ve checked out the major legal tech writers and outlets, it’s time to start up your mobile device and power on your headsets. Why? We’ve got some additional required listening to add to your legal tech media docket coming soon. In the meantime, email us at info@rep-ink.com if you’d like to chat about your legal tech public relations needs.


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