Need to persuade an audience? Use these 5 powerful messaging techniques

June 21, 2018

5 powerful messaging techniques to persuade

If you’ve watched the show “Mad Men,” you may have thought that you, too, could be an advertising executive, drink old fashioneds during the day, chain smoke cigarettes and come up with cool campaigns that persuade the American public to choose one brand over another with a snappy slogan.

Well slow your roll, Nancy.

Mad Men made advertising look easy because it was easier back then.

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Legal marketing: How one law firm’s blog has attracted new clients and generated business [video]

June 6, 2018


If you’re reading this, you might be a managing partner questioning if blogging lives up to all the hype. Perhaps you’re an parco gonfiabili attorney who has always wondered if a blog is worth the effort. You might be a law firm marketing manager looking for validation that blogging actually works. Maybe you’re a professional services marketer looking for ideas.

Here’s the thing: No matter who you are, blogging is hard work. It requires a significant time investment. It’s a long game, not an overnight miracle-worker. But it works.

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