Is your company guilty of these top blogging mistakes?

April 21, 2016

Is your company guilty of these top blogging mistakes?A blinking cursor on a blank screen is the devil on the shoulder of a writer. It’s the visual manifestation of writer’s block. My most recent episode? When I was trying to pen a guest article for a local business magazine. I wanted to contribute something that would educate B2B marketers. I know. Not very narrow. *Blink. Blink. Blink.* Then, I thought of ways I probe our clients when determining topics for their blog posts. “What’s a common misperception or challenge you’re noticing from your clients?” Well, for us, it’s blogging. Devil gone. 

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Lead gen vs. demand gen: Stop generating confusion

April 12, 2016

Lead gen vs. demand gen

There’s nothing worse than getting someone’s name wrong. And depending on when that offense occurs, catastrophe can take place. That being said, are you using “demand generation” when “lead generation” is what you really mean? If so, your marketing efforts could face catastrophe, too.

Lead gen and demand gen may be sisters from other misters, but they are not one in the same. With proper planning, they can complement each other. But you’ll need to pick a team for each tactic you use — one piece of content can’t achieve both demand gen and lead gen goals.

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