Differentiate your law firm marketing with personality and a unique voice

May 22, 2019

Differentiate your law firm marketing with personality and a unique voice

What does your law firm’s marketing content say? Does it have a voice? Is anyone listening?

Nowadays, all of us — yes, that includes your firm’s clients and potential clients — are inundated with emails, advertisements, notifications and social media posts around the clock.

That means standing out is more important than ever… but that can be hard for a buttoned-up law firm.

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Law firm diversity: How to showcase your efforts (and not be fake)

May 7, 2019

How to showcase your law firm diversity (and not be fake)

The issue of diversity in the modern law firm is a hot issue right now, and rightfully so: Recent figures from the National Association for Law Placement (NALP) show that in 2018, just one in five equity partners were women (19.6%) and only 6.6% were racial/ethnic minorities.

And just earlier this year, the all-white partner class at an elite law firm stirred a national debate on law firm diversity, including in-depth coverage in The New York Times. (Yeah, you can’t exactly sweep them under the rug.)

This conversation has left numerous managing partners, diversity committees and legal marketers asking:

  • Just how diverse is our firm?
  • Do we do enough to showcase our diversity?
  • What does diversity truly mean at its core?

Spoiler alert: Simply having an inactive “diversity committee” isn’t enough.

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Lessons from the 2019 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference

April 12, 2019

This week, more than 1,500 attendees gathered in Atlanta, Georgia, for the 2019 Legal Marketing Association Annual Conference. I try to attend the conference every year, as it’s one of the best networking and educational opportunities in the legal marketing profession.

While I couldn’t attend every session (I’m good, but I ain’t that good), I wanted to give you a brief overview of three sessions covering three different, but critical topics: diversity, economic trends and marketing technology.

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The top 9 media mistakes lawyers make

February 12, 2019

The top 9 media mistakes lawyers make

A solid public relations strategy is an essential part of a savvy legal marketer’s arsenal.

PR is a unique and powerful tool unlike other marketing efforts because it offers third-party validation: When a lawyer is quoted in an online news story, appears as a pundit on a news show or publishes something in an industry trade journal, that establishes his or her credibility in front of potential clients.

A lot of effort goes into securing that perfect PR opportunity: targeting relevant media outlets, pitching an attorney as a knowledgeable source and landing the interview. So it makes sense for lawyers to be prepared every time they jump on a call with a reporter or sit down for a broadcast interview in order to get the most out of it. This includes knowing the most common pitfalls when attorneys interact with journalists.

Here are some of the top media mistakes we’ve seen lawyers make in the past, and how to avoid them.

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Marketers: It’s time to push back on your bosses’ bad ideas

November 20, 2018

Marketers: It’s time to push back on your bosses’ bad ideas

“Behind every bad idea is an executive who asked for it.”

I can feel all the marketers internally shouting “YAAAASSSSS.” I hear you, friend, I hear you.

The above quote — from a recent MarketingProfs webinar by Michael Brenner (best-selling author of The Content Formula and CEO of Marketing Insider Group) — made me stop in my tracks. I thought of the numerous times I’ve witnessed a C-suite executive ask a marketer to do something that I knew wasn’t the right course of action, yet the marketer did it anyway. Heck, I’ve been the one who did it anyway. I’ve always thought, “That’s just the way it is.”

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How law firms can use marketing automation to enhance their client experience

September 25, 2018

How law firms can use marketing automation to enhance their client experience

Acquiring new clients is expensive. Depending on the study, research shows that the cost to acquire a new client is anywhere from five to 25 times the cost to retain an existing client.

Yet many law firms focus the majority of their marketing efforts on client acquisition — not client retention.

Here’s more research if you’re not convinced of the value of client retention: Frederick Reichheld of Bain & Company (the inventor of the net promoter score) found that increasing customer retention rates by 5 percent increases profits by 25 to 95 percent.

From client alerts to blog posts, webinars, educational events and more, law firms are investing heavily to demonstrate their attorneys’ expertise and attract the right clients. How can these efforts be leveraged to enhance the client experience?

Enter marketing automation.

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Legal marketing: How one law firm’s blog has attracted new clients and generated business [video]

June 6, 2018


If you’re reading this, you might be a managing partner questioning if blogging lives up to all the hype. Perhaps you’re an parco gonfiabili attorney who has always wondered if a blog is worth the effort. You might be a law firm marketing manager looking for validation that blogging actually works. Maybe you’re a professional services marketer looking for ideas.

Here’s the thing: No matter who you are, blogging is hard work. It requires a significant time investment. It’s a long game, not an overnight miracle-worker. But it works.

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4 reasons marketers must shift toward a ‘knowledge extraction’ mindset

May 2, 2018


Marketers… if you had to describe your most important role in one or two words, what would you say? My gut tells me that many would say “promotion,” “brand building” or “thought leadership.” I doubt many would say “knowledge extraction.” And that must change.

Knowledge extraction is basically that — extracting knowledge from your subject-matter experts (SMEs). It’s a specialized skill when done right, and it’s imperative for effective business-to-business and professional services marketing. Here’s why:

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Legal marketers: Here’s how to get general counsel’s attention, straight from the horse’s mouth

April 17, 2018

Four marketing strategies are particularly effective, says panel of GCs at Legal Marketing Association conference

Law firm marketers: Want to know what works to get the attention of general counsel (GC)?

Here’s the short answer: high-quality, relevant and timely thought leadership content, in the form of client alerts, helpful articles vendita piscina gonfiabile con scivolo and speeches. In addition, well-written case studies help GCs understand your firm’s experience in solving specific problems (that they may be facing themselves).

Five GCs sat down for a panel discussion at last week’s Legal Marketing Association national conference and laid bare how they choose outside counsel, what gets their attention and how to cut through the clutter in today’s information-saturated environment.

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3 simple ways law firms can promote litigation wins

March 19, 2018

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For litigation firms and practice groups, promoting your wins can be an uphill battle. Client confidentiality, multi-year timelines, last-minute rulings, and complex legal ideas and maneuverings make litigation promotion a unique art form.

High-profile cases require proactive media relations

Sometimes, litigation is high-profile and requires a proactive, ongoing effort to manage the public narrative as litigation unfolds. In this case, your PR team builds relationships, tells your side of the story in plain language, explains complex legal ideas and builds trust with reporters covering the story.

Not all litigation is media worthy

However, not all litigation is high-profile or media worthy. Or, clients’ concerns about confidentiality prevent any kind of public relations until a favorable outcome is obtained.

In these cases, how can law firms showcase their prowess in obtaining victories on behalf of their clients and stay top of mind with prospective clients who face similar business risks?

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