Legal marketers: Here’s how to get general counsel’s attention, straight from the horse’s mouth

April 17, 2018

Four marketing strategies are particularly effective, says panel of GCs at Legal Marketing Association conference

Law firm marketers: Want to know what works to get the attention of general counsel (GC)?

Here’s the short answer: high-quality, relevant and timely thought leadership content, in the form of client alerts, helpful articles vendita piscina gonfiabile con scivolo and speeches. In addition, well-written case studies help GCs understand your firm’s experience in solving specific problems (that they may be facing themselves).

Five GCs sat down for a panel discussion at last week’s Legal Marketing Association national conference and laid bare how they choose outside counsel, what gets their attention and how to cut through the clutter in today’s information-saturated environment.

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3 simple ways law firms can promote litigation wins

March 19, 2018

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For litigation firms and practice groups, promoting your wins can be an uphill battle. Client confidentiality, multi-year timelines, last-minute rulings, and complex legal ideas and maneuverings make litigation promotion a unique art form.

High-profile cases require proactive media relations

Sometimes, litigation is high-profile and requires a proactive, ongoing effort to manage the public narrative as litigation unfolds. In this case, your PR team builds relationships, tells your side of the story in plain language, explains complex legal ideas and builds trust with reporters covering the story.

Not all litigation is media worthy

However, not all litigation is high-profile or media worthy. Or, clients’ concerns about confidentiality prevent any kind of public relations until a favorable outcome is obtained.

In these cases, how can law firms showcase their prowess in obtaining victories on behalf of their clients and stay top of mind with prospective clients who face similar business risks?

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7 steps to developing a law firm content marketing strategy

September 27, 2017

While law firms are prolific content generators, very few firms have a documented content marketing strategy. 

According to Greentarget’s 2017 State of Digital & Content Marketing Survey, 96% of in-house counsel say that there is content overload, while 81% of law firm marketers plan to produce more. And a measly 26% of law firm marketers say they have a documented content strategy.

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Thought leadership vs. lead generation: Why legal blogging needs a strategic update

September 22, 2017

Thought leadership vs. lead generation: Why legal blogging needs a strategic update

At the Legal Marketing Association’s Southeastern Conference last week in Charlotte, North Carolina, in a session on content marketing, the presenters gave an overview of Greentarget’s 2017 State of Digital & Content Marketing Survey. Unsurprisingly, the theme of the report: information overload. The survey found that 96% of in-house counsel say that there is content overload, while 81% of law firm marketers plan to produce more.

How to rise above this content deluge? Shift from a thought-leadership mindset to a lead-generation mindset. By doing so, law firms will be forced to become more strategic in how they reach their prospective clients, giving them the content that they want, when they want and how they want it. Because if they don’t, the proof will be in the pudding: zero leads.

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Content marketers: 7 ways to improve your subject-matter-expert interviews

July 12, 2017

Get the information you need to create persuasive, insightful content by conducting better interviews

I’ll let you in on a little-known secret that sets great content marketers apart from the good ones. It’s not the writing. It’s not video production skills. It’s not even research.

Don’t get me wrong — those are important. But the real secret sauce? Conducting great interviews.

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A Q&A with Cosential: The CRM made especially for AEC

March 30, 2017

 A Q&A with Cosential: The CRM made especially for AEC

Our team recently had the pleasure of mingling with movers and shakers in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry at the SMPS SunBuilt conference, an annual regional event for AEC marketing and business development professionals.

One of those people was Bobby Hollis, VP of Marketing for Cosential, a CRM and proposal tool for AEC firms. We wanted to pick Bobby’s brain about what the industry-specific CRM means for AEC lead-generation efforts. Luckily, he agreed (without us pinning him down).

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What is influencer marketing? (And why B2B companies should care)

January 6, 2017

Reputation Ink’s exclusive interview with Promise Phelon of TapInfluence

What is influencer marketing? (And why B2B companies should care)

Consumers today are smart.

Yes, regardless of what many YouTube “fail” videos may imply about the intelligence of the human race, people are in fact pretty savvy — and they’re not easily swayed by old-school marketing tactics. In fact, research shows consumers value customer reviews and peer recommendations over traditional advertising more than ever. Why? Because they value authenticity.

But can brands be authentic? Sure. There are plenty of good examples of this, but influencers can provide a human extension of your brand. They can connect your business to customers in a unique way.

Enter: influencer marketing.

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B2B and video: A match made in ROI heaven

December 16, 2016

Reputation Ink’s exclusive interview with Ed Heil of StoryTeller Media + CommunicationsB2B and video: A match made in ROI heaven

Content may be king, but video has taken the crown for queen.

Don’t believe me? Casually scroll through your Facebook feed. Check out a competitor’s website. Sign up to receive INKsights email newsletters from your favorite agency.

In November, the Rep Ink team dug out our gloves and scarves and headed to Boston for HubSpot’s INBOUND conference. There, our team interviewed Ed Heil, Owner of StoryTeller Media + Communications. We wanted to learn from Ed why B2B companies should be using video, and how to do so effectively and strategically.

When it comes to marketing, B2B companies don’t have the luxury of playing to impulse and low-commitment buys like B2Cs can. What do you do if you aren’t selling cookies, but rather production equipment to cookie manufacturers?

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4 AEC industry lessons from HubSpot’s INBOUND conference

November 14, 2016

4 AEC industry lessons from HubSpot’s INBOUND conference

Friday morning I was listening to Alec Baldwin live (yes, he did a few Trump impersonation bits). The day before I watched Randi Zuckerberg interview Anna Kendrick. Why such a star-studded week? I attended HubSpot’s annual INBOUND conference in Boston. It’s the third year I’ve gone, and the second that I’ve brought my team. A few other people were there, too — a staggering 19,000 people from 92 countries hobnobbed with Baldwin, Kendrick et al.

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