How to create a brand story worth telling

April 9, 2014

How to write an interesting brand story

There’s a common misconception that business-to-business communications have to look and sound a certain way… the opposite of good. Do you check your personality at the door upon entering your office building? Neither does your reader. Remember we’re all humans (of varying degrees) and want to be approached in our native language.

To ensure sure your brand narrative isn’t an unintentional bedtime story, put your best FACES forward and create a story that’s:

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How to stand out in a sea of content

April 8, 2014

The key to standing out in a sea of content is quality

We know now that content marketing isn’t a fad. In fact, it’s the hottest thing going right now in the marketing world. Companies and professional services firms are becoming content factories, churning out blog posts, articles, white papers and more in an effort to attract customers with their brilliance—but without the hard sell. Just take a look at these findings from the “B2B Content Marketing: 2014 Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends—North America” report by the Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs:

  • 93% of B2B marketers now say they use content marketing
  • 78% of the most effective B2B marketers are creating more content than they did one year ago, compared with 57% of their least effective peers
  • More B2B marketers plan to increase their content marketing budgets this year, compared with last year (54%)

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Content marketing isn’t a fad. Jump in feet first with these tips.

March 27, 2014


Through the outdated lens of traditional marketing, it doesn’t really make sense… Spending time and money to create content prospects will find useful and share — without including a single sales message. But unlike skinny ties and huge hair poofs, content marketing is here to stay, and with good reason:

  • More Leads: B2B companies with blogs generate 67% more leads per month on average than non-blogging firms. (Social Media B2B)
  • More Engagement: 90% of consumers find custom content useful. (TMG Custom Media)

  • More Love: 78% of consumers believe that organizations providing custom content are interested in building good relationships. (TMG Custom Media)

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Underestimate the value of good writing at your peril

March 25, 2014

Good writing is importantIt’s 5:30 a.m. and my alarm is beeping. I grab my iPhone and turn the alarm off. Instead of jumping out of bed, I hold up my iPhone in the dark and read through Facebook and work emails. I may even read a short news article if it catches my attention.

At work, I read and write countless emails and regularly check social media—Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter—throughout the day, following links and reading articles of interest to my business and clients. At night, before I go to bed, I am still reading and writing—sorting through emails and reading the day’s news on the Internet. While I run a marketing and PR firm, and thus write and follow the news for a living, I doubt that this sounds unfamiliar to many professionals.

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Does your content live up to your headline?

March 20, 2014

creating content that lives up to your headline

Ever clicked on a headline only to be sorely disappointed when the content didn’t live up to your expectations? It’s kind of like connecting with someone online, then being jarred into the horrible realization that they’re a Photoshop ninja upon the first date.

Yes, intriguing headlines are highly effective. And since the average attention span is only eight seconds, what’s the big deal if you lose momentum after your blog post is clicked? If open rates were the end game, you’d be golden. But you’re trying to build credibility that leads to a relationship with your readers. Here’s how to skip the bait-and-snooze while knocking your headlines out of the park:

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