Google+ for business: 10 reasons to give it a go

June 5, 2014

Google’s social media and sharing platform, Google+, has been around for over two years now. My previous experience with the platform involved joining back in 2011, adding some circles and sitting back only to hear crickets. Since then, I’ve been guilty of putting Google+ on the back burner and going on about my business. Maybe this sounds like you, or maybe you’ve never even considered Google+ since Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter have you busy enough as it is. Either way, it’s time to give Google+ its props.

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Attract the right customers with well-written personas

May 29, 2014


Attracting target market with personasPersonas, or customer profiles based on real data, have been around for a while. Although they may seem daunting to compile at first, once you have the information, you have a roadmap to the hearts and minds of your most valuable prospects. Depending on whom you ask, creating customer personas can be a fun exercise or drag on for days, with every answer only leading to more questions. HubSpot recommends this worksheet for painting the perfect customer picture. If you feel overwhelmed by the list of questions you need to answer, try focusing on the essentials:

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What is native advertising anyway?

May 20, 2014

Native advertising is hot. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, and Tumblr are all monetizing their platforms with “in-feed ads,” and media stalwarts like Time, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and USA Today are all offering native advertising solutions. According to eMarketer’s report, “Native Advertising: An Emerging Consensus for a New Kind of Ad,” marketers are projecting to triple their spend on native advertising over the next five years, from $1.6 billion in 2012 to $4.6 billion in 2017. 

But what exactly is native advertising? Despite its skyrocketing growth, Copyblogger’s 2014 State of Native Advertising Report recently found that about 50 percent of respondents were clueless about the term, and another 48 percent only had a shaky understanding of it.


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SEO tips for the human search engine

May 15, 2014


magic eight ball, conversational search

You’ve got to hand it to Google. Those geniuses know more and more readers are searching how they speak. And with the launch of Hummingbird last summer, they’re making sure we all give more attention to context and less to keyword-crammed text.

What better way to keep the context behind the keywords conversational than to allow voice-commanded search? Much like Siri on your iPhone, you can ask questions directly in Google Chrome, simply start by saying “OK Google.” 

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Want media coverage? Four reasons to start blogging today

May 6, 2014

JournalistI’ve been doing PR for nearly two decades. DECADES. That’s a long time to be in an industry that’s somewhat young. And boy has it changed since I started out. My first job out of college was in London (long story), working for a tech PR firm during the early days of the dotcom boom. Back then, we would wine and dine journalists. A big part of my job was to invite journalists at major tech magazines to lunch at some of the nicest restaurants in London (nice gig, huh?).

At lunch, I would introduce the journalist and the client (having previously briefed each one on the other) and let them talk, randomly interspersing some commentary or questions meant to ensure the conversation went in the right direction. A bottle (or two) of wine and a really expensive meal later, and we were nearly always guaranteed a story in the publication.

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You invest in your content. Follow these tips to invest in your audience.

May 1, 2014

content marketing, relationship building

With all of the time and energy you’re spending on creating and promoting great content, it’s easy to forget that your online presence isn’t meant to be a soapbox. It’s a two-way connection.

Street cred and social proof aren’t built on self-promotional blog posts and tweets alone. So how can you go beyond your product or service and build real connections with your audience?


Actively research what your prospects and customers are saying in other arenas, not just any comments on your blog. Twitter is a great place to start. Follow your followers, as well as your ideal customers (your competitors’ followers) to see what’s on their minds. How can you help them solve these issues, even when the problems aren’t directly related to your product?

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Why your company needs an editorial board (and how to go about forming it)

April 22, 2014

Editorial board for content marketingEditorial boards are an age-old tradition at newspapers. Back when traditional media wielded more influence, these groups held enormous power, dictating the tone and direction of a publication’s editorial policy and its stand on various community issues and political races. In today’s digital world, with fractured media and citizen journalism, editorial boards aren’t quite as influential, but still serve an important role in critically analyzing important issues and the newspaper’s approach to them, as well as providing a formal avenue for the community to influence editorial direction.

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Social media lessons from US Airways (and Tide and Oreo)

April 14, 2014

US Airways tweeted a pornographic photograph today in response to a customer complaint. If that’s not shocking enough, try this: it took a full hour for the tweet to be discovered and removed.

Thanks to US Airways, companies around the world are sure to be reviewing or developing social media monitoring policies. It’s not the first time we should have all learned a valuable lesson about monitoring our social media accounts, however. Here’s a look at two case studies from the world of sports that might further convince you that social media is a full-time responsibility, not just something you log onto when convenient.

How Tide blew a golden opportunity on Twitter

Monitoring social media isn’t simply about preventing major mistakes like the one made by US Airways, it’s also about not missing opportunities. One of the biggest missed opportunities in Twitter history came in 2012 during the Daytona 500.

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General counsel reaffirm power of personalization in legal marketing

April 12, 2014


At last week’s Legal Marketing Association annual conference in Orlando, three highly accomplished general counsel addressed more than 1,000 legal marketers on ways to better market to them. While they shared a wealth of insights, one common theme arose—personalization.

While many marketers think about personalization in terms of advanced customer relationship management (CRM) tools, Amazon’s “if you like this, you’ll like that” technology, digital ad tracking, and more, personalization in law firms means delivering targeted, customized information to prospects, demonstrating an understanding of not only the issue, but how it impacts its audience. As you can imagine, attorney involvement is key.

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The time to embrace Twitter for professional development was yesterday

April 10, 2014

Hand with Hashtag

When my book publisher told me I had to get on Twitter four years ago to “build my platform,” I thought he was crazy. I didn’t have time to sit around reading people’s tweets about what they had for lunch, and no one I knew was even on Twitter to follow me. How was tweeting about my book going to help me eventually sell books if no one was reading my tweets?

Flash forward four years, and I can honestly say Twitter changed my life. It was a key catalyst for me leaving my job as an attorney

to become a sports business reporter at ESPN for the last two years. Twitter has gotten me on national television and radio programs as an expert guest, garnered me speaking invitations for conferences all over the country, and it has indeed helped me sell books. I also happened to meet both my agent and my husband on Twitter, so when I say it has been life changing, I’m not exaggerating.

Convinced but not sure where to start?

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